Have you ever wondered if the holidays have an effect on your plumbing?
If the answer to that question was yes, you have come to the right place. Aloha Plumbing is your guide to explain how the holidays have an effect on your plumbing.

How the holidays effect your plumbing:
Exactly how does your plumbing get effected from the holiday season and how?
Homes with older piping or unmaintained plumbing may experience backups in the toilets and sinks. This is due to the frequent usage from guests.
Is there any way to prevent these holiday horrors?
There is no definite answer to this question. This is because if your pipes are old, there is no way to assure they won't back up. There are a few preventative measures you can take to lessen the likelihood of backing up when hosting your holiday party.
Our high powered hydro-jetter can clear anything blocking your pipes. When our technicians can't clear the clog manually, we turn to the jetter.
If you have the time before the holiday season to re-pipe your old pipes, Aloha Plumbing highly recommends it. This lessens the chance of any back-ups greatly.
If all else fails, Aloha Plumbing is open with 24/7 Emergency Service. So whether you have a Thanksgiving leak or a Christmas clog, we are here for you.
Office: (909)570-4588
Emergency Line: (909)213-2806